برمجة بالغة البايثون

اتمنى منكم مساعدتي بكتابه برنامج بالغة البايثون لهذه الخوارزميه
Embedding Algorithm

Input: Cover text, C, Secret Message, Stegokey, k1 Output: Stego-text

(1)Compute the number of characters required to hide the secret text, [n]
(2)Choose a cover text of length l, such that n<=l.
(3)Convert the secret text into the ASCII bits (8 bits) [b] equivalent.
b = (n * 8) <= l,
(4)Read a bit of the message and Read a letter from the cover letter.
(5) for each bits in the cover text, b if bit = 10,01.11 then Replace with Unicode equivalent from the Unicode table 1 using glyphs else, bit=00 no change to the cover
(6) Repeat step 5, until all the bits of binary value embedded
(7) Return the stego-text
8)comperss the stego text use huffman algorithm
مع جزيل شكري

