مشاركة حلول: عمل تطبيق للتقديم على المنح scholarship program

عمل جيد يا سفيان… لكن هل جربت ادخال رقم فوق 23، مثل 25؟

جرب واخبرني النتيجة

age = int(input())

if age < 18:
    print("You are too young")
elif age > 22:
    print("You are too old")
    print("Welcome to Egypt scholarship program")
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تحكم ممتاز بالشروط @zeekzone :ok_hand:

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مـهـمـة عـمـل تـطـبيـق لـلـتـقـديـم عـلـى مـنـحـه …

if age<18:
  print("You are too young ")
elif age>22:
  print("You are too old")  
  print("Welcome to Egypt scholarship program")

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عمل رائع يا فاتن :+1:

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    #------- Cortabs.Net (scholarship program) #Mission number Two  By @AntarSidgi -------#
    # mission is :
       * Create a program to apply for student scholarships for universities.
       * So that the student must be between the ages of 18 and 22 to be eligible for the scholarship.
    # Tutor :
       * Developer : @YaserAlnajjar
age = int(input('Please enter your age to verify your access to the scholarship program.'))
if age >= 18 and age <= 22 :
    print('Congratulations, you are of suitable age to apply, please apply')
    print('Congratulations, you are of suitable age to apply, please apply.')
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عمل جيد… لكن يا عنتر الرسالة في الحالتين تظهر نفسها :sweat_smile:

Congratulations, you are of suitable age to apply, please apply
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اي نسيت اعمل not :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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age = int(input('Enter your age'))
if age > 22:
    print('You are too old')
elif age < 18:
    print('You are too young')
    print('Welcome to Syrian scholarship program')
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مهمة عمل تطبيق للتقديم علي المنح

age = input()

if age == '20':
    print('Welcome to Egypt scholarship program')
elif age == '15':
    print('You are too young')
elif age == '25':
    print('You are too old')
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age = int(input())

if age <18:
   print('you are very young')
elif age >22:
   print('you are very old')
   print('wlecome to Egypt scholarship program')
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age = input("your age is:")
age = int(age)

if age < 18:
    print("You are too young")
elif age > 22:
    print("You are too old")
elif age <= 22:
    print(" You Are Welcome to Egypt scholarship program")

    print("sorry, something went wrong. please, try again")

اجابتي :

name = input("Please,Enter your Name: ")
age = input("How old are you?: ")
age =int(age)
if age >= 18 and age <=22:
  print ("welcome",name," to CORETABS.net back-end program...")
if age < 18 :
  print("Sorry ",name,"you are too young")
if age > 22:
  print("Sorry",name," you are too old ")

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عمل جميل يا hichambq

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مهمة عمل برنامج للتقديم على المنح الطلابية للجامعات.

بحيث الطالب يجب أن يكون عمر بين 18 و 22 ليكون مؤهل للحصول على المنحة

name = input()
age = input()
age = int(age)

if age < 18 :
    print('You are too young')
elif age > 22 :
    print('You are too old')
else :
    print('Welcome to Egypt scholarship program' , name)

عمل جميل يا hedraatia2020

name = raw_input("whats your name? ")
age = int(input("whats your age? "))
if age <= 15:
        print("you are too young")
elif age >= 25:
        print("you are too old")
        print("Welcome to Egypt scholarship program")
def apply():
        name = raw_input("whats your name? ")
        age = int(input("whats your age? "))
        if age <= 15:
                print("you are too young")
        elif age >= 25:
                print("you are too old")
                print("Welcome to Egypt scholarship program")

def applyLoop(num):
        for x in range(0,num):

print("done from first example.")
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طريقة رائعة بالتحكم بالـ range باستخدام متغير num داخل الدالة :ok_hand:

حاولت اسويه بطريقتي بس عيا

age= int(age)
if age<18:
    print('You are too young')
elif age<=22:
    print('Welcome to Egypt scholarship program')
elif age>22:
    print('You are too old') ```